The other day, I was listening to a random song on one of my Spotify playlists. I found myself singing “I give you all of my fishes and loaves” and wondering the rest of the lyrics, I pulled the song up. I have read the story many times. (Matt 14:13-21, Mark 6 6:31-44 and John 6:1-14). The disciples once again wondering what they would do to feed the people. “We have nothing but 2 fishes and 5 loaves.” Do you ever find yourself telling the Lord you “I only have….” I know I do. As if the King of Kings cannot do with our little bit what He needs to. But, back to the song. ….”So, I walked up to them, and I said, Oh I’m tryna let go. My heart is uneasy but I give you control. And I know it’s not much, but I know what I owe. I give you all of my fished and loaves. (My fishes and loaves) They brought me to the man. I put my food in His hands. I held back my questioning thoughts. But something told me that the Preacher could see. The war between my head and heart. When He said, ‘Oh My child let go. I know you’re uneasy, but I’m in control. I don’t need that much for me to show. I’ll make the most of your fishes and loaves.”
And, I began to think. I have often thought of the story and how He fed many and little. But, never from the side of the giver of the small amount. Much like tithes, at least to me, this story reminds me when we give Him our little He can do much. With the amount we give Him and the amount we have left in our hands. Does that make sense? But, the bigger part is we have to let go! Of control. Of our little bit. Of our can do it myself attitude. Whatever you have the death grip on. Take you fishes and loaves and put them in His hands. Willingly. Walk around saying it so that you let it sink in. “Oh, I’m tryna let go. I give you all of my fishes and loaves.”
Check out the song too…. It’s by Josiah Queen.
I hope that tiny devotion gave you some things to ponder today. Love you lots! Kerin