Your Words Are Important
Sometimes you cannot keep a promise. Simple as that. Things happen. Life happens. Sometimes an event or situation is out of your control. In the scope of what we can control, words, should be near the top. Choose kind words when possible. Choose truthful words. Be polite. Be uplifting and encouraging more than the opposite….
Today’s Adventure
We had a ministry event to attend in Ketchikan. Normally, we would hope on the ferry with our vehicle. It’s a 3 hour ride over on the ferry. There is also the option to fly, but, of course, you wouldn’t have your car. This time, however, the ferry was full. A rarity! There was a…
More about me
I am first a child of God. I will post another day about why that fact is important to remember and focus on. I am a wife. I am the wife of a pastor. We have 2 grown children and 2 grands. We have 2 dogs and we live in the parsonage located in the…
Learning to Rest…
I don’t mean sleep. Rest. It’s a command from God. Rest. Does that make me do it? Didn’t use to. I said “I sleep” but inside it’s always been a battle. We have begun to learn to rest properly the past 4 years. People make comments like “you had a vacation. I am glad you’re…
Summer is Almost Over
We have something in Alaska called fireweed. The thing they say is that when the glooms reach the top and fall off that summer is over. It makes me wonder how the season has gone. Have I been obedient to The Father? Have I been a helpmate to my husband? Have I been a good…
Learning to Blog
Well, this is a big learning curve. By the time this makes it to being published I hope that I have learned a lot!